Paola Masi

Interview for spanish media

Paola Masi tells the story of her creative journey from pottery to sculpture and talks about the publication of her next book.

Documentary about the artist

An interview shot in the artist's studio where Paola answers questions and discusses her influences on her artistic practice.

Paola Masi and Benet Rossell: A quattro mani- A conversation

Recorded in Barcelona in Rossell's flat in 2016, this improvised poetic conversation between Paola Masi and Benet Rossel resembles a dance.In this video the two artists interchange reflexions on art and life, documenting a unique moment in which two artists have accompanied each other during the mutual exchange of viewpoints between a master and a bright hope of contemporary art.

Freixas Building: Industry and Art

Excerpt from the documentary Freixas Building where Paola Masi, in her studio, explains her approach to ceramics.